Guercino's International Studies Center
On the initiative of the Municipality of Cento, the Il Guercino International Study Center was established on February 22, 2017, with headquarters at the Governor's Palace, in Piazza del Guercino, Cento (FE).
The Il Guercino International Study Center pursues the objectives of designing, organizing and managing studies relating to Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, nicknamed Guercino, and related works, and to ensure the valorization of the huge artistic heritage of the city of Cento consisting of the Civic Art Gallery, the “Aroldo Bonzagni” Modern Art Gallery and the Rocca, as well as the valorization of Cento artists in general, with particular reference to artists from the 14th – 16th centuries, the School of Guercino, lesser-known Cento artists from the 18th and 19th centuries, Stefano Galletti, Aroldo Bonzagni, artists from the Modern Art Gallery, and contemporary living artists. The Study Center pursues the objectives of designing and managing highly qualified programs and initiatives in the field of artistic and scientific culture, with particular reference to the study of the works of Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, known as Guercino, and artists related to him.
It works to enhance the huge artistic heritage of the city of Cento, consisting of the Civic Art Gallery, the “Aroldo Bonzagni” Modern Art Gallery and the Rocca. It also promotes Cento artists in general, from the lesser-known ones of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, to more well-known artists such as Stefano Galletti and Aroldo Bonzagni, from the artists exhibited in the Modern Art Gallery, to those who still work in the area, with clear professionalism.
From Saturday 25 November 2023, the day of the inauguration of the Civic Art Gallery il Guercino, the new headquarters of the International Study Center Il Guercino is located on the 2nd floor of the museum container in via Matteotti n. 16, inside the Civic Art Gallery itself.
The bodies of the Study Centre
The bodies of the Study Center are made up of:
Valeria Tassinari, President of the Study CenterMauro Zuntini, Director of Cultural Services - Municipality of Cento
Lorenzo Lorenzini, Director of the Civic Museums of Cento
Martina Bagnoli, director of Gallerie Estensi Modena and FerraraDaniele Benati, professor of art history - University of Bologna
Ada Patrizia Fiorillo, professor of Contemporary Art History - University of Ferrara
Barbara Ghelfi, professor of art history - University of Bologna, Ravenna campus
Fausto Gozzi, art historian, former director of the Civic Art Gallery and the Aroldo Bonzagni Gallery of Modern Art in Cento
David Ekserdjian, “Sir Denis Mahon” Foundation in London
Joanna Kilian, curator of the National Museum of Warsaw
Roberto Lambertini, Professor of Medieval History - University of Macerata
Maria Luisa Pacelli, Director of the Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna
Massimo Pulini, Professor of Painting - Academy of Fine Arts of Bologna; Contract Professor at the Department of History, Anthropology, Religions, Arts and Entertainment at La Sapienza University of Rome
Giovanni Sassu, Director of the Rimini Museums
David Stone, Professor of Art History at the University of Delaware - USA
Giuseppe Virelli, Historian and Contemporary Art Critic - University of Bologna
Shinsuke Watanabe, Curator of the National Museum of Western Arts in Tokyo
Salvatore Amelio, First President of the Study Center. -
Regulations approved by Resolution of the City Council n. 12 of February 22, 2017, with the amendments referred to in Resolution of the City Council n. 23 of 04/13/2022Art. 1 – CONSTITUTION
On the initiative of the Municipality of Cento, the Il Guercino International Study Center (CSIIG) is established, with headquarters in Cento at the Municipality of Cento, Palazzo del Governatore.
The Il Guercino International Study Center pursues as its objectives the conception, organization and management of studies relating to Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, nicknamed Guercino, and related to him. All studies carried out under the aegis of the Study Center (sponsored or financed), are preliminarily submitted to the CSIIG for analysis of interest and feasibility.
The CSIIG intends to be the driving force for the enhancement and promotion of the important cultural heritage of Cento in Italy and abroad and intends to involve scholars, students and anyone who wishes to delve deeper into aspects of Guercino's work in a perspective of research, conservation and enhancement.
The headquarters of the Study Center must be equipped with:
a specialized library for the organized collection of books, magazines, CDs, DVDs on Guercino and his School;
a photo library of all the known and lesser-known works of Guercino and his numerous students.
The loan of works is generally permitted, subject to conservation and safety reasons, taking into account the quality of the host context and is carried out with the authorization of the Head of the Museums.The Il Guercino International Study Center is established to ensure:
the enhancement of the considerable artistic heritage of the city of Cento consisting of the Civic Art Gallery, the "Aroldo Bonzagni" Modern Art Gallery and the Rocca;
the development and activation of highly qualified programs and initiatives in the field of artistic and scientific culture and in particular studies and documentation on the works of Guercino;
the promotion and valorization of Cento artists in general, with particular reference to the artists of the 14th - 16th centuries, of the School of Guercino, to the lesser-known Cento artists of the 18th and 19th centuries, to Stefano Galletti, to Aroldo Bonzagni, to the artists of the Galleria d'Arte Moderna, up to contemporary living artists.Art. 2 - AIMS OF THE INTERNATIONAL STUDY CENTRE IL GUERCINO
To achieve its aims, the International Study Centre Il Guercino intends to:
collect, order and preserve at its headquarters publications and information and documentation materials relating to the visual arts sector with particular attention to Guercino and the artists who are connected to the city of Cento and its territory;
digitize all the works of Guercino in our territory, accompanying them with in-depth technical sheets;
organize exhibitions and other related art events;
promote acquisitions of works of art to be allocated to the public heritage of the museums of Cento;
promote and produce catalogues and publications and other material useful for achieving the proposed objectives;
promote the restoration of works of art in the civic and local museums, also encouraging the establishment of any specific operational structures in the sector;
promote and develop cultural exchanges with regional, national and international bodies, institutes and associations;
provide specific information and documentation to bodies and private individuals who request it for new attributions of works to Guercino;
organize activities in the field of artistic disciplines as a moment of connection with other sectors of the world of culture;
promote meetings, study seminars, debates and carry out training and dissemination activities also in collaboration with other public and private institutions, in connection with schools, universities and other national and international scientific and/or cultural institutions;
contribute to the creation of exhibitions and events that fall within the aims of the Study Centre;
promote a multilingual website that documents the activity of the Centre.Art. 3 – BODIES OF THE INTERNATIONAL STUDY CENTRE IL GUERCINO
The bodies of the International Study Centre Il Guercino are:
the Steering Committee;
the Scientific Committee;
the Honorary Members.
The Steering Committee is composed of the Director of Cultural Services, the Director of the Municipal Museums and an external member, with the functions of President, appointed by the Mayor from among experts with proven experience in the world of art and culture.The meetings of the Steering Committee take place whenever they are deemed necessary by the President and the sessions are valid if adopted with the presence of the majority of the members and with the absolute majority of voters.
The Scientific Committee of the International Study Centre Il Guercino is made up of 5 (five) to 14 (fourteen) members appointed by the Steering Committee from among those who have compr